A CEO's Most Important Challenge: Sales and Go To Market Execution

blog Sep 02, 2018

"Whether "sales" is just you, or you've got a team (necessary if you plan to grow), it's what's inside that counts."

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A CEO's Most Important Challenge: Sales and Go To Market Execution

What does your sales pipeline look like when you take the covers off? Is it full of people who can't or won't make decisions? Is it targeted, intentional and strategic? Whether "sales" is just you, or you've got a team (necessary if you plan to grow), it's what's inside that counts.


 Sally Krawcheck, CEO at Ellevest, explains how women and men approach money differently.

Guess what? Women and men are different! If you are a woman, or work with women, or are married to a woman or sell financial products to women, Sally's insights about women and investing are very good to know.


The CEO: A Personal Reflection

Egon Zender, the global consulting and search company, interviewed 402 CEOs. The study's findings share their perspectives on the realities of the CEO role, and how to lead and cope in these volatile times. Click here and scroll through the summarized findings. See yourself between the lines?


Favorite Video Hack: Got video to share? But it's too long? Threadeo. helps you quickly edit, tag, and share the part that matters most. Today's C-SuiteSkimm Watch Section uses Threadeo to capture the 4-minute essence of Sallie Krawcheck's original 7-minute interview. Much mo' betta'for you, our busy reader!


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"Opportunities to find our deeper powers come when life seems most challenging."

~ Joseph Campbell

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For CEO coaching and private guidance: email barbara@shannon-solutions.com or visit barbarashannon.com.

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