In this episode, we are joined by Bryan Janeczko, portfolio CEO at Loeb NYC . Brian is the founder of Nukitchen, "the mother of all healthy meal delivery kits" (think Blue Apron), co-founder of StartOut, a nonprofit that focuses on helping LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs “amplify their stories to drive the economic empowerment of the community”, and founder of Wicked Start, an e-learning platform aimed at guiding new entrepreneurs through the process of starting a business.


Byan Janeczko Quotable!

“Every day that goes by I am convinced that the businesses of today, and certainly tomorrow, have to be connected to something that hits your core.” 

Mic drop.

Want to hear what else this serial entrepreneur has to say?

This episode is packed with insights and uplift from someone who has experienced building multiple successful businesses from the ground up. 

Pull out a note-pad, because you will want to be sure you remember every moment of this conversation.

Click Here to Listen

“My mission is to share what I've learned about launching, starting, growing and selling a business and codifying that and helping people of all stripes get going”

“There has to be an impact, because if you want employees to be working for you, if you want commitment, loyalty, dedication, hard work, you want to make sure you're tapping into to their core; millennials in particular.”

“To know that your dollar has impact, your dollar has purpose, that's very valuable.”

“The business should be doing something to better the world, the planet, people, our carbon footprint. There's a whole host of areas that we can touch that are important to all of us. I can guarantee you there's some element that's important to us that will tap into our why.”

Highlights from The Episode:

  • Bryan talks about being “mission minded”, and what it means to be a social venture entrepreneur - 2:46
  • Bryan shares about his childhood, and how it fuels his social consciousness - 9:23
  • Bryan discusses Gro Academy (link above) - 10:53
  • How Bryan handles fear - 17:19
  • What Bryan believes is the key to success for entrepreneurs - 23:30