Season 2 Episode 2


Core Values or Personal Values?



The Essentials for Understanding Values-based Leadership:

2:22 -     Barbara explains why our own beliefs are the most powerful value drivers.

2:44 -    Barbara voices why it's important to do this exercise, even if you have a clear mind.

3:50 -    Barbara describes why values derived from your childhood can affect your decisions now.

4:51 -    Barbara references Michael Bush for speaking about curious leaders.

5:28 -    Barbara dives into the steps of this Values-Based Leadership exercise.
9:44 -    Barbara asks what you would do differently in your life to bring your values to life.

“When you're really clear about what matters to you, you know what to do and you do it. Period.”    -Barbara Shannon

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Season 2 Episode 1


Why Core Values Drive Business Results 


Today we're talking about why values-based, purpose-driven leadership is such a powerful success driver for today's businesses.

Values-based leadership says that today’s most effective leaders are not principle agnostic. 

Instead, a values-based leader leads with their principles front and center and they believe that this approach drives happiness, productivity, and profits. 

Here are Three Starter Steps to Release the Power of Core Values in Your Business:

  1. Understand the socio-economics behind the need for values-based leadership.
  2. Do a deep dive review to understand your personal core values, what you stand for and where you'd like to grow.
  3. Understand the science behind why core values are such a powerful motivator for leaders and workers alike.


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The Essentials for Understanding Values-based Leadership:

 00:49 – Barbara shares exactly what values-based leadership is.

01:43- Why profit-based motives are no longer enough to make a business successful.

05:27- Barbara answers why values are such a powerful motivator.

05:44 -The science of living your core values.

06:40- Barbara lays out the key steps to becoming a values-driven leader.

“Values are impotent until leaders breath life into them.”    -Barbara Shannon

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